
Foods To Make You More Productive and Keep You Energized All Day

productive foods

We’re all trying to squeeze more productivity out of the work day, a trend toward working “smarter,” rather than just harder. But you can’t work efficiently or at a high performance level without considering how you fuel that productivity. If you’re running a business, your mind is focused on clearing your inbox, making payroll, and monitoring the results of your latest marketing campaign.  For most, the food you eat while you’re in the office is not a primary concern—but just a few simple changes to your workplace diet could have huge effects on your cognition and productivity.  

What you put in your mouth is critical to your day-to-day performance. The right foods provide the energy your body needs to function, and the more thinking we do, the more intellectually complex our tasks, the more energy we use.

Most of what we eat is converted into glucose—a sugar—that provides the energy our brains need to stay alert. When we’re low on glucose we have a tough time staying focused (or awake for that matter). Depending on the food, you’ll either get a burst of glucose very quickly, by drinking a soda or eating a lot of French bread, or more slowly, with foods that have more protein and fat. High-fat foods like fried chicken or a cheeseburger, however, require more work to digest. This overexertion reduces the levels of oxygen in the brain which makes us sleepy.

When you start to feel low in energy and irritable, you’re probably not feeling strong in the self-control department. Most people go for the fries or candy bar in that moment, but those foods will only perpetuate a low energy, groggy feeling. As Ron Friedman, author of “The Best Place to Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace” wrote in the Harvard Business Review, we often choose unhealthy foods because they tend to be cheaper and faster than healthy alternatives, and as a result, they feel efficient even if they aren’t. “We save 10 minutes now and pay for it with weaker performance the rest of the day,” writes Friedman.

You can avoid that by thinking through what you’re going to eat throughout the day—leaving as much of the salt, fat and sugar out of it. Every person requires a unique diet for sustainability, but here are a few of the best foods for enhancing focus and decision-making:

















There are countless diets, fads and “resources” out there instructing you on the next great way to lose weight. But here at Hatchbuck, we stick to the basics. Our snack closet is full of healthy trail mix, granola bars and oatmeal to keep team Hatchbuck fueled and ready to take on the day.

Use food to power your brain and body by planning ahead of time what and when you will eat during the day. Limit sugar and saturated fats and choose more natural options instead. Instead of reaching for a handful of M&Ms, grab some nuts and sunflower seeds and chase it with a glass of pomegranate juice. Your brain and body will reward you with a more productive and energetic day.

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